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TMake is a Template Generator CLI which helps in making various templates which finds its use in competitive programming and many other fields of Computer Science. It is equipped with up-to-date CI/CD for GoLang using GitHub Actions for better development.
Project maintainer of the website which aims at creating a sleek user interface and to inform the peer about various upcoming and past events of the technical society. This website is made using ReactJs and ExpressJs on NodeJs along with MongoDB as database. The project is acquainted with CI/CD and an admin console for faster development and security.
Led the team of developers for developing a dynamic website for IEEE Student Branch of my institute. The website was made using ReactJs and ExpressJs on NodeJs with MongoDB as database. We hosted this using the resources provided by Microsoft Azure.
This project aimed at making a game engine to render 2D graphics faster than traditional heavy game engines. I made it entirely using C++ with Microsoft Visual Studio, Premake as my build system targeting OpenGL. The GUI was made with ImGui, OpenGL specific mathematics was done through GLAD, GLFW gave a target window for my engine to render graphics.